Model CF-CS110-1500M

General features Model CF-CS110

  • 1 or 2 Pulse Tube Coolers
  • One common vacuum or IVC
  • Mixing chamber diameter 490 mm
  • Volume sample space up to 160 L
  • Very low vibration levels
  • Possibility of active dampers
  • 120 mm Sample space
  • Excellent thermal anchoring
  • Optimum shielding

Fast turn-around times

Top loading probes of either 109 mm diameter or 50 mm diameter can be used for fast sample exchange from 300K to base temperature within 8 hours. The 50 mm probe can be mounted in the center of the plate or sidewise, in one of the 50 mm ports (up to 2). The 109 mm probe is mounted in the central port. The 109 mm probes have the largest cooling power of all similar devices, with up to 500 uW at 120 mK.

Very low vibration levels

The very low vibration amplitude of the system is very convenient for applications as AFM-STM optical systems of Attocube, that can be conveniently mounted at the bottom of the 109 mm top loading probe. The clamping mechanism of the probe makes it a very solid ensemble with the refrigerator with vibrations being the same on the bottom of the probe or on the mixing chamber.


CF-CS110-500 Maglev-1PT
Tmin < 10 mK
Q > 500 microW @ 100 mK

CF-CS110-1000 Maglev-2PT
Tmin < 8 mK
Q > 1000 microW @ 100 mK

CF-CS110-1500 Maglev-2PT
Tmin < 7 mK
Q > 1500 microW @ 100 mK

Probes & Semi-Probes

Features Cold Insertable Probes

Tmin < 12 mK
Q > 500 μW @ 120mK
110mm sample space at MC
Motorised insertion system
2 Spindels
8 hours sample exchange
No sliding seals

Features Room Temperature Top Loading Probes (RTTLP):

120mm diameter
Easy to assemble
Up to 60 Semi-rigid coaxes

General features of our systems

High Cooling Power

The combination of a powerful pumping system with a highly developed dilution refrigerator allowed LC to put on the market the most powerful model, the CF110-1500M with 1.5 mW at 100 mK. 

Easy to handle

The table supporting the Dewar lifts by means of 4 spindles and 2 motors so that placing and removing the various cans can easily be done in less than 30 minutes by one person without need of manual force.

Advanced GHS

Our model CS110-Maglev systems use a very advanced dry pumping system that consist of 2 magnetically levitated turbo pumps of 2300 l/s capacity each that are essentially vibration-less and do not require maintenance. They are backed by an exceptionally quiet roots-claw pump of 1000m^3/h that one doesn’t hear it running. The gas handling circuit is fully contained in a hollow frame that also contains the mixture in 2 separate parts. The upper part contains the 3He and the lower part the mostly 4He mixture.